Hair Regrowth Treatment

Stages of Hair Growth

Anagen :

At this stage i.e. the growth phase, hair grows about half an inch per month. This phase usually lasts between 2 and 8 years. The process of hair starts when the follicle stem cells begin their work. Thereafter, the dermal papilla, the permanent part of the follicle, stimulates the hair matrix cells making them grow wildly and become pigmented. This creates a new hair shaft. 90% of hair cells are in this phase of growth during a given time.

Exogen :

The Exogen stage represents the period from when a resting hair reaches its terminal position in the follicle to when it finally detaches. The resting hair is gradually loosened resulting in the shedding of the hair.

Anagen finished :

The new hair extends beyond the surface of the skin and keeps growing. The hair shaft fully matures.

Catagen :

At the end of the growth period, hair follicles prepare themselves for a resting phase. This transition period of a hair follicle from growth to rest is called the catagen stage. The catagen stage lasts about 1 to 2 weeks or so. During this phase the deeper portions of the hair follicles start to collapse.

Telogen :

The resting stage when hair regrowth stops temporarily. This resting stage can last up to five months. The hair is shed at the end of this period. If the follicle is healthy, a new shaft begins to grow and the cycle begins again.

When the platelets in the plasma are concentrated, magic happens. To achieve concentrated levels of platelets in plasma, all four components of your blood are separated by density. Then, the platelets are injected into the plasma, excluding the red and white blood cells.